Feel alive again

Helping busy therapists evolve beyond burnout

as seen on:

Hi! I'm Alistair. You can feel better and keep your practice.

It feels devastating to be a caring therapist who has spent years getting to where you are... only to want to quit.

Take a breath. Feel relieved because you’re right where you need to be. Right here, right now.

And know that I understand. I was heartbroken when the toll of my practice meant I missed the warning signs that my daughter was struggling. That was when I knew in my heart things had to change.

Since then, I’ve been dedicated to using the Hike4Evolution™ system to help fellow therapists and other health professionals or caregivers lower anxiety, take off stress, and feel alive again – all while helping them stay in their practice.

"I was coming out of burnout & recovery from adrenal fatigue - Alistair’s tools have helped me regulate my nervous system quickly"

I love the experiential learning. After her practices, I notice a significant shift in my nervous system and emotions- even when I think about situations that trigger me.
Nasima, Therapist

Does this sound like you?

you're a new or experienced therapist or health professional and this sounds familiar:

You’re struggling. I see you. It’s all going to be okay, and once you have the right knowledge, finding peace and balance is a lot easier than you think.

You can Go from burnt out therapist to vibrantly thriving in only 7 minutes a day:

What do you need to finally say goodbye to burnout?

Free Masterclass

for therapists, parents & educators

End Your Burnout in just 7 minutes a day

Join Us January 13, 2024 at 8:15 pm EST

Imagine feeling renewed energy for your clients, family, and life